Saving Money at Home
with Frugal Household Tips

Do you want some great ideas for saving money at home? By following these simple tips you can easily reduce your average family budget and learn how to live frugally at the same time.

  • Get rid of cable TV. Watching excessive amounts of TV has been tied to many ill effects in children and adults, including physical, emotional, and mental health problems. Not all TV is bad, of course, but do you really need to spend so much per month on something that isn’t all that good for you? Instead, try broadcast TV or watching programs or movies on free websites such as Hulu.
  • Reduce your internet speed. Do you have the fastest internet option available? Depending on your type of usage, you may not notice much difference with a slower speed.
  • Reconsider cell phone usage. Does your family need all the cell phones you currently have? Do you need all the texting and data services for which you are paying? Do you need all the minutes that your current plan includes? If you have free night and weekend minutes, consider making more calls then. Use Billshrink for an unbiased comparison of cell phone plans based on your specific needs and you will find yourself saving extra money in no time!
  • Consider eliminating your land line. Do you really need traditional telephone service? If you don’t use it much, think about dropping it. You may be better off trying a low-priced Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service like magicJack or Skype.
  • Recruit help for big projects. Do you have a big project like replacing your roof or painting your house? Make a party out of it by inviting your friends to help and then feeding them. And, of course, be ready to return the favor. This is a great way for all of you to be saving money at home.
  • Use online faxing. If you need to send and receive faxes, use an online service. The cost is low and you won't need a fax machine or a phone line.
  • Save on printing costs. When your printer cartridge is empty, get it refilled rather than buying a new one.
  • Go halfsies. Use half a dryer sheet in a load or use the same sheet twice. Use a teabag twice. Use half a napkin at each meal.
  • Borrow and lend. When you need a special tool for a one-time time or rare project around the house, don’t buy it. See if you can borrow it from a friend or neighbor. Maybe the next time you will have something your neighbor will need.

These frugal household tips can make saving money at home relatively easy and painless.

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